Monty from Sydney landed an Engineering role in New York!

Monty from Sydney landed an Engineering role in New York on an E-3 Visa!

At Aussie Recruit we’re always excited to share the successes of fellow Australians landing their jobs in the US. In fact, it was success stories like these that really motivated Monty and allowed him to see that it’s a real possibility to work in the US!

First, let’s talk a bit about Monty and what sparked his interest in the US.

After graduating from Sydney University Monty went traveling. It was during his time traveling that he realized he wanted to incorporate similar adventures and experiences into his career as an Engineer. Upon returning, Monty worked in Engineering roles in Sydney for 5 years.

“I first heard of the E-3 Visa through Aussie Recruit” said Monty. He learned how simple the E-3 visa was and how easy it is for US companies to hire Australians on E-3 Visas. It was finding out about the E-3 Visa that sparked his job search in the US.

Monty had never been to the US before and said “it was always going to be the biggest opportunity for a wild career experience!”

We asked Monty, how did you stay motivated looking for jobs in the US from Australia?

“I knew that it was possible. There were plenty of stories being publicized of Australians finding a job and then easily being approved for an E-3 visa.” Monty had seen these stories on our website and through mutual friends of people who had made the move. He knew it could happen. He just needed to look in the right places. 

Monty shares his top US job searching advice with us

“The more you dig the more success you'll have”. He emphasized that you should try to find the particular people that would be in charge of hiring you (e.g. the hiring manager or the direct manager). If you can find these people you can start building a real connection with those people and create trust in your job application.

Aussie Recruit: A guiding light in Monty’s US job search

Monty found his job all by himself - go Monty! But during his search Monty reached out to Aussie Recruit for advice. He subscribed to our posts and this helped him to maintain optimism during his search for a sponsorship in the US.

Last but not least, we asked Monty...

What do you think you'll miss most about Australia?

“The beaches, the coast, and a morning dip/surf before work”