Yesha from Adelaide landed a Climate Associate job in Washington DC!

Yesha from Adelaide landed a Climate Associate job in Washington DC! (on an E-3 visa)

At Aussie Recruit we’re always excited to share the successes of fellow Australians in landing their jobs in the US. In this post we interviewed Yesha about her journey and top tips for fellow Australians looking to work in the US.

“Prioritize your time, this includes blocking out regular breaks and being kind to yourself to help you re-energize.” says Yesha

Yesha, Aussie in Washington DC

How did you stay motivated job searching in the US, but interviewing from Australia?

  • “Prioritize your time, this includes blocking out regular breaks and being kind to yourself to help you re-energize.”

  • “Networking and being inspired by the people who were movers and shakers in my industry helped me to stay up-to-date on the latest issues in my sector and also reaffirmed my reasons to work in the US.”

  • “Follow Amy on social media (Instagram, LinkedIn) and implement her advice and recommendations! It’s so easy to feel completely overwhelmed by the job search process in the US because you could be competing with applicants from all over the world.”

  • “From explaining the visa process to being disappointed when you don't get an offer after making it through 2-3 interview rounds, it’s easy to give up. I found Amy’s social media content very informative and her positive attitude, encouraging.“

What’s your advice for fellow Aussie jobseekers looking for work in the US?

  • “Job hunting is by far the most challenging aspect of the process of making a move to the US. Develop a solid job-hunt strategy, it’s a pretty big job market, so don’t underestimate the power of networking and informational interviews!”

  • “Applying for jobs in the US is not a numbers game. I encourage people to develop a strategy that works for them. Figure out who you want to work for and why, before you apply for jobs. “

  • “Companies want to hire people who want them. This means understanding their values, and goals. Most importantly be able to explain why this particular job is best for you.”

  • “I love Amy's approach to helping Australians who want to move to the US. Amy was incredibly encouraging and her social media content and monthly online forums with Immigration Attorney Jonathan Grode provide excellent sources of information and address questions related to the E3 visa. I was able to easily explain the E-3 visa to my employer by referring to the information on the Aussie Recruit page - it's an excellent resource!”

  • “Lastly, don’t give up - it’s a hard road but one that’s worth taking if you’re clear on why you want to move to the US. You could be asked this question in an interview, so be prepared!”

Aussie Recruit: A guiding light in Yesha’s US job search

Yesha expressed his gratitude, saying “I loved Amy's recommendations, from boosting my LinkedIn profile to drafting my resume - her advice was excellent! Her posts about the difference between an Australian resume and an American resume were very helpful and her general positive manner played a key role in helping me to keep going!”

Last but not least, we asked Yesha...

What do you think you'll miss most about Australia?

“Waking up to the sound of magpies and watching the sun set over red gum trees.”

Your favorite Aussie Food?

“So many to choose from but Tim Tams are definitely my fav!”